Think outside the cubicle! You are never too old, too busy, or too blonde to pause what you’re doing
and take some time to follow your dreams.

Hey there! My name is Matthew Bradley (you can call me Matt), a full-time adventure travel blogger & photographer who’s been exploring the world for over 5 years.

Welcome to my travel blog!

This is where I share entertaining stories, useful travel tips, fun videos, amazing photography, and crazy adventures with you from my non-stop travels around the world. It’s a place for people like you who want daily inspiration & motivation to live a life of adventure. I want to show you how to travel the world, to seek experiences over possessions, and open your mind to new possibilities.



How To Travel The World


I haven’t always been a world traveler though. With a college degree in business, I found myself working as a freelance nightlife & event photographer in Miami. It was fun, but something was missing… I dreamed of more — a life filled with adventure. One day I just decided to stop dreaming, and start doing. I spent a year saving money like crazy, sold my car, bought a bicycle, stopped going out to clubs, cooked food at home, and spent all my free time building a small online business selling eBooks. In the fall of 2010 I quit my job, left my girlfriend, sold everything I owned, and bought a plane ticket to Guatemala. My family & friends didn’t understand what I was doing. They thought I was losing it — and I wasn’t sure either. Following my dreams at all costs was my new goal. Becoming wealthy with new experiences was my mission.



Embracing The Life Of A Nomad


For the first 29 years of my life, I’d never really traveled at all. Suddenly I was in Guatemala City with no luggage (the airline lost it) and no real plans. I was alone, nervous, and felt a bit in over my head. It was scary and overwhelming — but exciting at the same time. I soon made new friends, and began exploring a fascinating area of the world I knew absolutely nothing about. Eating at local markets, trekking in the jungle, staying at backpacker hostels — I was hooked! My original plan was to travel for one year. That was 5 years ago. Long-term travel provides me with unexpected challenges to conquer while I continue to learn about the world, meet interesting people, and have life-changing experiences along the way.


Traveling The World Indefinitely


My itinerary? Your guess is as good as mine! The plan is to plan as little as possible, and let fate take me on a roller-coaster ride of discovery & adventure. I’ll hang out in a country for as long as it feels right, and move on to the next when I’m ready. Exploring the Earth with an open mind, living on a limited budget, meeting new people, and learning what I’m really made of. All the while, attempting to capture and share my travel experiences using photography, video, and articles published on this travel blog.

Hopefully I can inspire you to embark on your own travel adventures!

Long-term travel provides me with unexpected challenges to conquer while I continue to learn about the world, meet interesting people, and have life-changing experiences along the way.

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