Saturday, June 11th – What a full day we have planned ahead of us! First to Manta Ray Pass where we hope this time to see and swim with those very large and graceful creatures and then onto Paradise Cove where we have Birthday dinner reservations at 6:00.
By 11:00, we are anchored and lowering the dinghy. Looking out to the pass, we see two long boats with tourists clad in snorkel gear. It looks like we are in time. Motoring out quickly, we circle near them. An attendant is standing in the bow of one boat obviously scanning the water. Suddenly, he points and yells. A manta ray has been spotted. The tourists quickly dive in the water. We are too far away to be part of

that action, but we get ourselves in the water anyway. Where there is one manta ray, there must be more. And there are! We make a number of circuits through the pass, motoring out to the front of it and drifting back through the pass. Several times we spot these impressive creatures gracefully gliding through the water. One time, we are super lucky to have one actually swim towards us for a brief moment before the creature registered our presence. A flip of his wing, and he is off in another direction.
What perfect timing! We stay there with the manta rays until there are no more sightings. Returning to Avante, a quick lunch is served, and then we weigh anchor to head to Paradise Cove. Anchored once more, we spend the rest of the day snorkeling and relaxing on the boat.

1730 – We are dressed and heading ashore. With time to spare before our dinner reservation, we sit by the side of the pool enjoying a pre-dinner cocktail. Of course, the obligatory pictures are taken to commemorate this special 70th birthday of The Captain’s. Note: his birthday is actually the 12th, but due to scheduling restraints, it is being celebrated a day early.
The First Mate and the Birthday Boy