Pollywogs to Shellbacks
Sunday, April 4th – 1100 – The Captain gives orders that Avante is to be prepared for the Equator Crossing. The mainsail is taken down. The deck is straightened up. Crew is told to change into swimsuits. (Huh?) We motor slowly due south on longitude 91°10W.

With the help of our GPS, we stop Avante on the Equator at 00°00.000′ and 091°10W. Knowing, but not knowing what, that The Captain has something cooked up, the crew waits.
He solemnly walks to the bow and requests King Neptune’s permission to “cross the Equator”.

King Neptune soon appears with silver crown and trident. He grants the boat and crew permission to cross the Equator at noon provided we all first swim across the line like all his natural sea creatures. (So that was the reason for the swimsuits!)

The Captain reappears with a glass of our finest red wine to pour into the ocean and give to King Neptune in tribute.

The Captain goes first, jumping in from the bow and swimming “across the equator”. He is quickly followed by Crew Mate Jim. The First Mate is not keen on this idea. There are sharks out there, but not wanting to anger King Neptune and mindful of that 10-minute rule which was quickly winding down after both men had already done their swims, she leaps in, swims across the equator, then races to the aft ladder. No sharks. “Thank you, King Neptune!” she exclaims.
We then power up Avante, and at exactly noon on Sunday, April 4, 2010, she crosses the Equator officially entering the South Pacific.

While The Captain reads us historical data on Equatorial Crossing Ceremonies, we finish the bottle of wine, giving a toast to King Neptune and to ourselves. We are no longer Slimy Pollywogs, the name given to those who have never crossed the Equator. We are now Trusty Shellbacks, and we have very official documents to prove it!

The Captain then hands each of us signed certificates to prove that, having crossed the Equator, we have definitely earned the title of Shellback. What a wonderful day to remember!