One fine day last November while anchored off an island, the Captain decided to head up the mast. “Decide” may not be the right word since he did have a repair to do way up their 75’ above the deck of the boat, but he did “decide” to take the camera. From high above, gently rocking back and forth on that skinny pole, he took this photo of Avante. Pretty neat!
2017 – Our Plans for the Year
What’s in store for the wandering duo this year? Now in Australia after the passage from New Caledonia to Bundaberg, we are in the canals of Raby Bay, south of Brisbane, tied up to our friend Stephen Everett’s J-160 on the dock outside his back door. If we could find a place like this to berth Avante permanently, which also just happened to offer year-round sailing, we would jump at it, but we know of no such dream place in the States or close by.
Returned to the boat after a festive Holiday break in Telluride, we will sail south to Broken Bay, Pittwater and Sydney revisiting old sites and friends along the way. In February, we will head back home for skiing, golf and visits from family. On board again in May, we will start the crossing east to New Zealand stopping in New Caledonia and Fiji along the way. These 2 spots have become cruising favorites. Thus, instead of a straight shot back to Kiwi land from OZ, we have chosen a more meandering route. It will be a 10- week detour, but retired folks are supposed to have that kind of time! Email Sue